1. Kinshasa News
2. Jim’s Bedroom
3. The Gunman
4. Seven Years Later
5. Drive To Well
6. Village People
7. Head Trouble
8. Remembering Annie
9. London Bridge
10. Cox and Cameras
11. More Head Trouble
12. Barcelona
13. Following Annie
14. Conference Room
15. Love Gunman
16. Drive to Felix’s
17. Penn and Telher
18. Tripwire
19. Treehouse
20. Fairgrounds
21. Revealing Cox
22. Fish In a Barrel
23. Stanley’s Death
24. Who Let the Bulls Out?
25. Penmanship
26. Cox and Bull
27. Reunited
Released on March 20, 2015
http://xilog.atgj.net/Entry/915/【映画】 The Gunman (2015)