1. Somethin’ Like This (Main Title)
2. What Men Want
3. The Agency
4. Rooftops
5. Boom!
6. Getting in Deeper
7. Father and Daughter
8. Downfall
9. Drivin’
10. Vows
11. Apologies and Epiphanies
12. Back Stabbing Bitches
13. Come and Join
14. The NBA Draft
15. Battle Royale
16. Ali
17. The Partner’s Club
18. Overslept
19. Ali and Jamal
20. Mad Billions
21. The Firm
22. Slower Sex
23. Open Your Inner Portal (Facebook Shaman)
24. Photo Shoot
25. Betrayal
26. Ostracized
27. The Offer
28. Brandon
29. Reconciliation
30. Goodnight My Friends
Released on February 8, 2019
http://xilog.atgj.net/Entry/1847/【映画】 What Men Want (2019)